About Foodies Us

Hello friends,

I have started this blog to share my passion and my love for cooking with you all.
Here I will be sharing variety of recipes which you can make easily and make your and your family's stomach happy :)

I will be sharing the recipes of various cuisines. My blog is especially targeted for veggie lovers.

I will be posting a new recipe daily with pictures for you.

I hope you will like my blog posts and will appreciate my work so I will be able to share more and more recipes with you.



  1. I would like to invite you to send a recipe for our upcoming Diwali digital magazine 2017
    We give proper credit to all bloggers and writers. See these links to guidelines and last year's magazine for ideas. Pl let me know it this is doable.

    Guidelines; http://www.marathicultureandfestivals.com/invitation-diwali-2017

    Last year's magazine : https://issuu.com/marathicultureandfestivals/docs/diwali_ank

    Aishwarya Kokatay

  2. Dear Aishwarya Kokatay Madam

    Thank you so very much for having a look over my blog.
    I would be very happy to share my recipe through Digital Diwali Magazine..
    A month back I saw the post about Digital Diwali Ank on Facebook and I have already sent some recipes at ankdiwali@gmail.com
    Please have a look over it or else I will send you recipes again.

    Thank you so much again for consideration.

    Manali Saodekar


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