
Tacos! Tacos! & Tacos!
Again I am here with an amazingly tasty crispy and very easy to make recipe TACOS.
Today I am sharing a yummy Bean Taco recipe with you all.
We usually find the baked beans can in market but today I am sharing home made Bean stuffing recipe that you can use for making Tacos or Burritos.
Enjoy making these Tacos at home and have it with yummy salsa.
You can serve this dish for any party you are hosting. Also if you make salsa less spicy so you can serve these tacos to kids as well or simply add lots of cheese when you are serving it to your kids.

  • 12 taco shells
  • 2 cups pinto beans
  • 2 jalapeƱos
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 2 tsp butter
  • 2 cups roughly chopped lettuce 
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 cup grated cheese
  • 1 cup salsa
  • Salt as per taste


Bean Stuffing -

Soak pinto beans for 4-5 hours.

Par boil pinto beans till they are tender and soft.

Now heat butter in a pan and add boiled beans to it and mix well. Add salt and black pepper powder to it and cook for 2 minutes and start mashing them nicely. Add a little water so you can mash them easily. Now add jalapeƱos to it and mash them again.

Cook for 1 minute and switch the heat off and take the bean stuffing in a bowl.

Assembling Tacos -

Chop onions, carrot and tomatoes into small cubes. Chop lettuce.

Take taco shells in a plate and add a spoonful of bean stuffing into it. Now add onions, carrots and tomatoes over it. Add lettuce over it. Garnish with salsa and grated cheese.

Assemble the remaining tacos by following the same procedure and enjoy.


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