Veggie Burger

Kids, Youngsters or even Old age people these days......Everyone loves this amazing Fast-food
We find this yummy Veggie Burgers in various restaurants these days. 
We can simply walk in to any fast food junction and grab our burger and enjoy with Coke or any aerated drink.
Today I am sharing a yummy crunchy Burger recipe with you all, which includes a recipe of Burger Patty too.
Burger Patty plays a very important roll when it comes to having a burger. So we can simply make this Veggie Patty at our home and make the veggie burger and enjoy.

Veggie Burger

For Veggie Patty -
  • 4 large potatoes
  • 1 medium sized carrot
  • Half cup boiled green peas
  • Half cup boiled french beans
  • 2 green chilies
  • 3-4 tsp corn flour
  • 1 cup bread crumbs
  • Salt as per taste
  • Oil for frying
For Assembling Burger -
  • 2 burger buns
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 onion
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 cup roughly chopped lettuce leaves
  • Half cup mayonnaise 
  • 3-4 cheese slice or 2 grated cheese cubes
  • Potato wafers for garnishing

Veggie Patty -

Boil potatoes, green peas, carrot and french beans.

Finely chop boiled carrot and french beans.

Peel off potatoes and take them in a mixing bowl and mash them nicely. Add boiled peas, carrot and french beans to it.

Now add 2 tsp corn flour, salt as per taste and chopped green chilies to it and mix well.

Mix 2 tsp of remains corn flour to little water and form a paste.

Take bread crumbs in a plate.

Heat oil in a wok. 

Take a part out of potato mixture and form a patty according to burger bun size by applying little oil to your palms.

Coat the patty with corn flour mixture nicely from all the sides and immediately coat it with bread crumbs from all the sides. 

Gently slide these patties in oil and fry till they turn crispy and you get a nice golden brown in color.

Fry all the patties following the same procedure.

Assembling a Burger -

Roughly chop lettuce leaves and slice onion, tomato and cucumber.

Place the burger buns in a plate. 

Now using a knife apply mayonnaise to the lower bun. Now place lettuce leaves, cucumber slices, tomato slices and onion slices over it.

Now place the fried patty over it. Place a cheese slice over the patty and cover it with the upper of bun.
(If you don't have cheese slice then you can use grated cheese)

Place the burger in a plate and garnish it with Potato wafers.
Serve with tomato ketchup.

*Note - You can also use Cream Cheese instead of mayonnaise


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